Leigh González is still figuring it out. Graduating in 2022, they hope to attend either San Diego State or University of California-Irvine for Creative Writing.

You can read the entire Dior Rouge short-story in the Bound by a Steel Thread anthology.

Dior Rouge

No one gives you a manual. If there are no instructions then aren’t you supposed to put this together the best way possible?

“I am new.”

Dior rouge refillable classic nude, shade of velvet, you’ll stand out in the crowd.

Aquamarine scarves, postcards from girlfriends pinned to the vanity tryptich, every necklace from our yearly trips to San Miguel de Allende & pictures of us.

Us. What an unusual thing, us.

It’s uncomfortable in my hands & I don’t know how I am supposed to handle this.

I’ve never really belonged to a place I’ve never really belonged to a body.

I would write about these moments in my journal, safely tucked away underneath the well-worn carpet, underneath a creaking bed so clean of a place my mom would never think to look.

This is a very small town. Every detail of you that is different than the day before, is noticed.

Notice is not just a glance, but an item on a list submitted to authority in confessional whisper. Notice is a classification, defined, categorized & most definitely something I do not want to be.

But I like this shade of lipstick. And I want to put it on.


Other excerpts from the Anthology (click on an individual’s name to read more)

The First Kiss in a New Body by jo pereira

I Asked For Space To Write To You About Love by A I Michael

The Vans Half Cab Legend of Pasadena Heights by Josée Angel Ramirez